
Contact is working with a growing number of partners and exploring further opportunities for collaboration and commercialization.

We appreciate your inquiry and we look forward to learning how we can support your project with solutions that provide a profound positive impact on people, animals and plants.

Please use our contact form, or send email to: Secures $27 Million
to Revolutionize Human Health

We Make Food Whole

To feed 8 billion people, our over-processed food system discards active fibers and replaces them with simple sugars.

This trade of simple sugars for active fibers is at the root of modern disease. As it turns out, the hardest-to-eat parts of food (fibers) are the most beneficial for our health. solves for what is missing. We put active fibers within reach anytime, anywhere.


Live Longer Better

With’s all natural and proprietary process, we seamlessly integrate WholeFibers™ back in food the way nature intended.

At we do it invisibly, flavorlessly and all without messy powders, sludgy mixes or expensive pills.

We’re going back to nature to pioneer next generation nutrients… putting active fibers back into your life — naturally.

wood’s WholeFibers™ are the more nourishing form of natural plant fibers. Created by plants. Delivered by delivers longer, better lives with flavor, convenience and fun by integrating active carbohydrates into your everyday. You won’t taste the difference. You will feel it.

Back to Nature
Back to Health

Our work started nearly 20 years ago when we applied breakthrough science to comprehend and catalog WholeFibers™ and how they nourish, power, activate and heal the pharmacy in our gut.

*You would need to consume 201 bowls of Arugula in one day.

Your Future
Powered by WholeFibers™

With’s WholeFibers™ you can consume five-to-ten times more active fibers each day and be profoundly healthier as a result.* integrates the anti-inflammatory, health-powering nutrients of the past into our modern diet in a way that is convenient and delicious. You won’t taste the difference, but you will certainly feel it.